Regardless of whether you print transparencies, labels, stickers or labels on plexiglass, one of the best printing techniques is screen printing. This printing system is known for its high gloss level and strong color intensity, which is even better expressed on smooth surfaces such as plexiglass.
In this way, high-quality signs for different purposes, different coverings in the interior and exterior as well as other high quality products, which attracts with attractive appearance and high functionality at the same time.
Screen printing on Plexiglass – professionally at reasonable prices
In addition, plexiglass is a stable material that is unbreakable and UV-resistant and offers light transmission. Printed with single-color or multi-color inscriptions, foils or other screen-printed products, plexiglass products are a lasting eye-catcher.
You are looking for professional screen printing on objects made of plexiglass?
Uni-colored motifs or multicolored colorful designs – screen printing for effective results
The first step before screen printing – precise planning and screen preparation.
Effective advertising that immediately catches the eye – digital printing for large formats.